An absolute condition for participation in the courses is prior registration of stay. Applications for courses should be submitted by completing the appropriate registration form. In case of problems with filling out the form, please contact: info@khordong.pl We do not provide accommodation or meals to people who do not submit applications by the required deadline.
Teachings and practice retreats in 2025

Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche
Teachings for the 1st chapter of the book entitled
"Words of My Perfect Teacher"
Sessions at 10:00 and 15:00
*Fee PLN 120 /day
*Pensioners and retirees for whom the pension/annuity is the only source of income - 30% discount
Dzogchen Ranjak Patrul Rinpoche is the incarnation of the great Dzogchen Patrul Rinpoche - a writer, wandering mendicant monk and one of the greatest spiritual masters of 19th-century Tibet. The current Patrul Rinpoche is a holder of the Longchen Nyingthik lineage. At the age of fourteen, he entered Dzogchen Monastery, where he stayed for six years. He then continued his studies at Śri Siṃha University. He graduated with excellent results, in a time that very few students manage to do. He has great knowledge of tantras and sutras, which allows him to give teachings on any subject.
“Words of My Perfect Teacher” – a book by Patrul Rinpoche, whose incarnation is the current Patrul Rinpoche, contains explanations of the preliminary practices of the Longchen Nyingthig tradition in Dzogchen. These preliminary teachings are common to all Buddhist traditions. Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche always emphasized that the commentaries in this book are essential knowledge for every practitioner. Rinpoche recommended that we translate and publish this book.
Jomo Gudrun
Chod Practice
*Fee PLN 100 /day
*Pensioners and retirees for whom the pension/annuity is the only source of income - 30% discount
Gudrun Knausenberger - in 1989 Jomo Gudrun became a student of Chime Rigdzin Rinpoche. In 1997, Rinpoche instructed her to teach and give initiations. From the beginning of the center in Darnków, Gudrun took part in the courses held here, during his last stay in Poland, Rinpoche appointed her his regent in Europe. For several years, Gudrun has been conducting practices at Dropan Ling during summer courses. This time, Gudrun will lead the Chod practice based on Gonpo Wangyal's terma.
The practice of Chod is a practice that involves abandoning attachment to one's body, developing compassion and generosity for all beings. All this is possible by cutting off ignorance, which consists in the illusory clinging to the "I" and understanding emptiness, which is both the means and the goal of the practice.
XXIX Butter Lamp Offering Retreat
*Fee PLN 45 /day
*Pensioners and retirees for whom pension/annuity is the only source of income - PLN 35/day.
*The above fee applies to people taking an active part in offering the lamps. Fee for accompanying persons - PLN 100/day.
For 28 years, in accordance with the wish of our teacher, Chimed Rigdzin Rinpoche, for whom this practice was particularly important (it was Rinpoche's mind terma), we have been doing the Butter Lamp Offering in our center for peace, deeply believing that a common, intensive practice will contribute to stabilizing the situation in the world, which is particularly important in the current times, full of conflicts and threats.
The purpose of offering lamps is to purify the obscurations of the minds of sentient beings, calm negative emotions, accumulate merit, and purify the individual karma of those participating in the practice.
Dorje Lopon Ganden Tsewang and monks from monastery in Shimla/India
Chenrezig Drubchen
*Fee 95 PLN/day
*Pensioners and retirees for whom pension/annuity is the only source of income - 30% discount
Drubchen, in Tibetan "great achievement", is an intensive group practice that draws on all the skillful methods of Vajrayana to purify our body, speech and mind. The blessing gathered as a result of drubchen is indescribably great, and it is received not only by the participants, but also by the place of practice and the whole world. It is said that the benefits and power of true drubchen, practiced with unwavering motivation and in the right conditions, are the same as from a three-year retreat.
From Gangteng Rinpoche's explanation of drubchen:
"(...) drubchen really does result in growth on many different levels: it strengthens personal strength [wang'tang], and success; literally, it strengthens the "air horse" [lung'ta], so that one has greater influence in reversing the effects of adverse circumstances. We also have the ability to increase our own vitality, to strengthen our health, material success, and fame; in short, we have the ability to strengthen anything that may degenerate or weaken. Anything that is weak or in danger of decay can be renewed by the fresh power of the blessing of drubchen. When favorable conditions come together, we are in the fortunate position of experiencing the blessing of body, speech, and mind of the yidam and his retinue. drubchen is such a precious thing that it is difficult to put into words."
Continuation of the Butter Lamp Offering Retreat
*Fee PLN 45 /day.
*Pensioners and pensioners for whom the pension/annuity is the only source of income - PLN 35/day.
*The above fee applies to people taking an active part in the offering of the lamps. Fee for accompanying persons - PLN 100/day.
Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche
*Fee 150 PLN
Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche has been recognized by Mindrolling Trichen Rinpoche as the reincarnation of Drupwang Rogza Sonam Palge and is the founder and spiritual director of the Danakosha Dharma Center in Finland. He graduated from the University of Tibetan Buddhism at Mindrolling Monastery as a certified lineage holder of both sutra and tantra. Rinpoche is the first Tibetan Buddhist master to permanently reside in Finland. In addition, he travels to various places in Europe, Asia and the USA to give teachings at various dharma centers. With a great desire to share the dharma, Rinpoche brings new wisdom of the path of enlightenment to people's lives. His great knowledge, compassionate heart, devoted nature and ability to guide beings are highly valued.
Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche
Explanations of Vajrakilaya Practice
*Fee PLN 120/day
*Pensioners and retirees for whom the pension/annuity is the only source of income - 30% discount
Dorje Lopon Ganden Tsewang and monks from monastery in Shimla/India
Vajrakilaya Drubchen
*Fee PLN 95/day
*Pensioners and retirees for whom the pension/annuity is the only source of income - 30% discounts
Dorje Lopon Ganden Tsewang from Shimla/India
Dzambhala Initiation and Practice
*Fee 150 PLN
*Pensioners and retirees for whom the pension/annuity is the only source of income - 30% discount
Additional info
An absolute condition for participation in courses is prior registration of stay. To register for a course, you must fill out the appropriate registration form.
- rooms on the first floor of the gompa - (additional fee PLN 20/day, availability of places based on the order of applications) - possible only during the course with Patrul Rinpoche, from 23 to 27 June 2025 and from 17 to 9 August 2025.
- rooms over the dining hall
- rooms in the new dormitory over the kitchen
- campsite (in own tents)
Availability of the rooms depends on the order of submissions. To check availability
of the rooms in gompa, please contact the office of the Centre.
We are not able to guarantee places for those who do not register in advance.
Please bring your sleeping bags, dishes, and cutlery with you.
Meals (vegetarian): 86 PLN / day (should be reserved 7 days in advance)
- breakfast - 23 PLN
- lunch - 40 PLN
- diner - 23 PLN
How to get there:
There is no direct connection to Darnkow. Buses from Wrocław stop in Kudowa Zdroj
or Jeleniow, the only options are to take a cab from Kudowa
(Phone: +48 607 816 089.), hitch-hike or walk.
People interested in accommodation in nearby accommodations in the vicinity of the center are asked to contact: 601 357 776
Rules of stay at the center
Payments for the retreats can be made to the bank account:
Związek Buddyjski Khordong
Santander Bank Polska S.A.
al. Jana Pawła II 17, 00-854 Warszawa
nr. konta 78109022130000000142029967
Info about the retreats:
Tel. 601 35 77 76 (10.00 – 17.00)
e-mail: info@khordong.pl