Khordong archives
The Khordong Archives have been started after Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche’s death. We hope to gather and share all the lectures that Rinpoche gave during his travels through Europe. Thanks to the help from Rinpoche’s students, who have recorded and shared those teachings with us, anybody can request the access to those files. The archive is kept in the Dropan Ling monastery.
To those who own unpublished recordings of those teachings, and to those who wish to volunteer their help in copying the lectures, recording them in a catalogue and converting their format, we ask for contact with Jacek Skirucha, phone (+48) 609076375.
Recently the archive has been enriched with the recordings of other lamas taught in Dropan Ling. All the recordings can be ordered by calling the number given above.
List of the available teachings (pdf)