James Low
James Low began studying and practising Tibetan Buddhism in India
in the 1960's. He received teachings from Kalu Rinpoche, Chatral Rinpoche, Kanjur Rinpoche and Dudjom Rinpoche. He encountered there also Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche, who became his root teacher. He was living in Rinpoche's house for several years. During this time he did few retreats and pilgrimages
to holy sites and began to translate Khordong and Jangter practices
into English.
After his return to England he undertook university course of clinical psychology and after graduation started working as a psychotherapist in the hospital in London.
In 1976, he was requested by Rinpoche to teach Buddhism to Western disciples. Since then, he has been teaching Dzogczen and application of Dharma practice in daily life. He regularly conducts seminars in many countries of Europe.